Here is the "church", here is the steeple... open the doors.. where are the people?
Far from ‘the church’ closing down or being less active during Covid lockdowns, something quite powerful has been happening. The gatherings of large groups in
pericope - noun - An extract or selection from a book, especially a reading from Scripture that forms part of a church service. The online musings of Chris Rowney.
Far from ‘the church’ closing down or being less active during Covid lockdowns, something quite powerful has been happening. The gatherings of large groups in
My friend Steve Morrison, chaplain to a large school and the wider community asked me to join with him in writing an article reflecting on the
The book ‘Leading Hybrid Churches’ launched in November 2018 as part of the Australian Baptist Ministries initiative Vibrant Healthy Communities. I contributed a chapter on
Many years ago planning a trip was something of a journey into the unknown. A well thumbed copy of a ‘lonely planet’ guide might be
“A Torrent of Clichés” and “As superficial and monotonous as the music at its centre” Read The Age Article Here... I don't usually comment before
I like to say that Religions are the rules that humanity has come up with to try to appease an angry God, while Christianity is
I was asked a few days ago what I would say to people questioning a loving God in the midst of suffering, and came across
I've seen this meme with a Ricky Gervais quote often in the past year or so.. I do get the point this meme wants to
Session 1 - Adoration & Asking Session 2 - Confession & Contemplation Session 3 - Unanswered Prayer